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ShV-2014: Life Sciences is sattelite conference of ShV !!!


Public Lectures. Young people should always listen to age and experience, know all the new information that shakes the world, be erudite and educated to invent their own formula of future. Respected teachers and scientists will help us in this and open their views on modern world scientific problems.


Roundtable. Interdisciplinary roundtable is scheduled during the conference program. Topic will be specified closer to the conference.


Shevchenko's Lectures. Lectures are devoted to the 200th birth anniversary of Taras Shevchenko.


Disciplinary topics. Physics, Economy, Journalism, Psychology, Philosophy, Geology, Military Sciences, Biological Sciences (Life Sciences), Geography,  HistoryMathematics.


In the conference framework there are two sattelite conferences on Economics and Biology (Life Sciences).

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